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Pro-rated Vs. Non Pro-rated Roofing Warranties

Roofing products typically come with warranty coverage that is “Pro-rated”. A pro-rated warranty is one that diminishes in value over time, and is designed to financially protect a roofing company at the expense of customers. A pro-rated warranty means the cost of roofing failures are reimbursed at a small fraction of the real replacement costs in an amount that declines over the length of the warranty. Customers may find that their 50-year warranty only covers a small fraction of the replacement value of a roof in the event of a failure.

Aluminum is a roofing material that can be used in all climate conditions, and is well suited to applications requiring strength, durability, and a light weight. And, aluminum fits the “cradle-to-cradle” environmental criteria. Simply put, this means that existing aluminum materials can be recycled an indeterminate number of times, thereby reducing the pollution required to manufacture and the landfill space needed for disposal. It is worthwhile to note that studies have shown that composition shingles buried in landfills will take over 300 years to decompose.

Unlike heavy tile and slate roofing, aluminum roofing does not require structural reinforcement. Aluminum is also highly resistant to corrosion, making it suitable for coastal roofing applications. Being malleable, Aluminum also lends itself nicely to intricate and detailed patterns, and can easily be formed to replicate classic profiles such as natural Slate, Clay Tile, or even Wood Shakes. Aluminum Roofing can be designed as Interlock Roofing, meaning it may be locked on all four corners for ultimate durability and protection.